Complicated Issues Made Simple

Our service offerings begin very simply and evolve as our client’s business’s requirements are revealed.

Every client engagement begins with a conversation with our Partners. Based on our track record, it will likely become apparent that you've found knowledgeable professionals who understand your objectives and are willing to share their advice, right on the spot – no strings attached.

Next, we start with our 16-point gap analysis to reveal the known and sometimes unknown problems that can stifle your company. This critical process provides the clarity to see what may have been unseen, and solve what may have been unsolvable. We call this Critical Objectivity and it’s the first step we take in assessing a client’s business model. After all, to overcome the weakest links, we must first identify them.

What will make your business a success – expert advice or flawless execution? It’s possible your company will need both. We won’t know until you have the chance to talk openly with our Advisory and Execution Groups. No matter what, we’ve got you covered all the way.

Advisory Group – Scope of Services

Advisory Group

Our Advisory Group offers a Gap Analysis & Risk Management Protocol to set the path for refining your business model, properly defending your IP and confidently bringing your products to market.

Gap Analysis & Risk Management Protocol

  1. Problem Definition
  2. Solution
  3. Addressable Market
  4. Competitive Landscape
  5. Requirements
  6. Intellectual Property
  7. Financials
  8. Scalability
  9. Strategic Plan & Business Model
  10. Reimbursement & Healthcare Economics
  11. Team Gap
  12. Partners
  13. Clinical
  14. Regulatory
  15. Phase Gate Process
  16. Scope Verticals & Channels

Business Management

  • De-risk product offerings
  • Strategic and financial planning
  • Market research
  • Exit strategies/M&A opportunities
  • Pathway to funding
  • Proof of concept
  • Defendable IP
  • Skill gaps & talent acquisition
  • Testing, data generation & analytics
  • Regulatory approval, (RoHS Compliance), FDA, etc.
  • Reimbursement development
  • Organic growth via customer acquisition & retention
  • Expansion of market share
  • National and Global distribution
  • Brand strategy & identity systems

Execution Group – Scope of Services

With our Advisory & Execution Groups we’ve got you covered.

Execution Group

Our Execution Group delivers impeccable expertise with regards to mechanical engineering, electrical design and software development. Then, once your business strategy and execution are in place, we offer a Working Management Team to bring the exact expertise you need to gain market velocity.

Execution Group

  • Working Management Team
  • Manufacturing
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Digital Circuit Design
  • Embedded Software
  • Application Software
  • Mobile Application Software
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • Diabetes Management Devices & Systems
  • Laboratory Systems
  • Medical and Diagnostics Systems Engineering
  • Therapeutic Specialties